Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Celebrations, Excitement, and Anticipation

As Independence Day weekend fast approaches, my family is getting ready to celebrate in more ways than one. Not only is it our great nation's birthday, but if all goes as planned, it will be the birthday of my new nephew. Now granted, I am hoping and thinking he may make an early appearance, but regardless, I will be a proud auntie to my twin sister's third child! That is soooo hard to believe! What's even more amazing, is that this will be her third home birth! Yep, she's amazing! I've already tried really hard to get her to spill the beans on his name, but she's got a tight lid on it. This, unlike me. I couldn't keep Brody's name a secret to save my soul:)

Speaking of Brody, he turned 1 this month! Aaaaaaannnnnd, he officially has 2 bottom teeth! Too bad the teething had to be on his birthday week. His pearly whites sprouted the day after. Sooo, we opted against a big birthday blowout, and settled for a quiet but sweet birthday with just Mommy, Daddy and  doggie, Semper. Having a cranky birthday boy with friends to witness it, just didn't seem like fun for anyone! Regardless of how big or small it was, his birthday was HUGE for Bryan and I as his parents--especially me. I am not sure why, but the eve of his birthday I was having such a hard time with the mile marker. I think I was just sad to let go of my baby boy and the fond memories I have of his infancy. But I quickly got over it, and that next morning greeted my birthday boy with a sea of balloons, a pool, floaties, and the works:) This all thanks to Daddy helping me blow up the pool and beach ball AND the millions of large balloons:) I could try and explain the day to you, but the following photos tell the story a whole lot better.  I will get some of his birthday videos uploaded onto YouTube this weekend.

Other exciting things for our family this month? We just found out that Bryan's brother and sister in-law are going to be stationed in Guam!!!!!! Gosh, we were shocked! Don't get me wrong, we are very excited for the both of them going on such a great adventure for a few years, but we will selfishly miss them being half way around the world. Bryan's brother is in the Air Force (Chair Force as Bryan so puts it.), and has been stationed up in Washington state, so we were hoping he may be getting orders a little closer to our neck of the woods. Thank God for Skype. Too bad the time difference will be ridiculous.

I almost forgot, along with all the celebrating this month, we also got some projects knocked out. I finally finished painting Brody's room (It is Kermit the Frog green:)), started putting the clear coat sealant on our fence, and started plans for our deck! If I haven't posted pics of the fence prior to this, here it is.

Last but not least, the following photo is for all my former co-workers and friends back in Des Moines. Brody loves playing in the kitchen. I think we may have a future food stylist on our hands following in Mommy's footsteps! So, if you need an assistant for the time being, I can send him your way:) (Debbie, I'm sure you wouldn't mind a little helper:))

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