Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Color in My World

Consider this my official warm welcome for you all! While I LOVE to write, I've always been a little bit hesitant about starting a blog. For the most part, it has been a privacy issue. I just think in today's world of technology that term has completely flown out the window. So with the few things that are left in life to be private, I wanted to keep them that way. If I wanted close friends and family to know something, I would tell them face to face or voice to voice. Well, you can see where I am going with this, can't you?

Since I graduated college, I've moved from one end of the country to the other and back again, bouncing from my home state of Minnesota, to Wisconsin, to Alabama, to Iowa, and NOW over to North Carolina! And after marrying my wonderful husband, stepping into the Marine Corps world, I know that this is only the beginning of my crazy lifestyle. Considering we will be stationed somewhere new every 3 years until he retires, the joy of speaking to and keeping up with everyone of my dear friends that I have made in each location on a REGULAR basis is becoming almost impossible. Between running after and caring for Brody (my adorable little boy that puts the color in my world:)) and working on projects, I was spending more time making lists of the string of people I had to remember to get a hold of or email, than actually speaking with them!

That's when I realized I had to put a stop to this madness and start a blog. Genius, right? I mean, now I can actually get my thoughts out to everyone, and still keep the conversational, casual tone I would have if y'all were sitting down in front of me sipping a cup of coffee like the good ole days!

So on that note, consider this our first of many little coffee visits (as I like to put it:)), where you can see what sorts of new shades and colors of paint God is putting on my life's canvas. Trust me, it will be just as exciting for me as it will be for you to see what sort of colorful artwork He is painting!

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